Attic Ventilation Solutions
Proper ventilation keeps air moving through your attic as a means to avoid stagnancy and to prevent moisture accumulation.
Why is it important:
Inadequate ventilation in your attic can:
- Increase your cooling costs and/or heating costs (due to either hot or cold air build up), as well as cause warping and/or rot in your roofing structure due to moisture accumulation. This will not only decrease the lifespan of your roof (shingles; etc.), but can also result in mold and mildew leading to unpleasant smells as well as serious health impacts.
- If you live in a colder climate, heat from your attic may partially melt the snow on your roof which may lead to ice buildup that can damage your gutters and soffits, as well as lead to potentially damaging weight on your roof.
Solution Options:
- Soffit vents:
These are installed on your home soffits, and help air circulation in your attic by bringing fresh air into your home from below your roof line. They work in conjunction (and most commonly) with roof top or gable type vents for best efficiency in attic ventilation.
- Box vents and Off Ridge vents:
These are roof top vents that are static with no moving parts. They commonly work in conjunction with soffit vents to move fresh air naturally from the lower part of your roof to vent from the top. Depending on the size of your roof you may need multiple vents for efficient ventilation. Off ridge vents are similar to box vents but installed near the ridge of your roof.
- Turbine vents (“whirleys”):
These also work best in conjunction with Soffit vents to move fresh air naturally from the lower part of your roof to vent from the top of your home. They are wind powered and are an effective venting solution if you live in a windy area. If you choose this solution be sure to buy high quality to minimize the risk of the squeakiness in which these can be prone.
- Power vents:
These are fan vents that are motor powered and can be controlled by temperature and humidity detection (depending on model). They are installed on the roof or gables and are both effective and quiet. They should be checked every six months to ensure they are working as their quietness may not make failure evident.
These are long vents that are commonly installed along the ridge of the roof and work most effectively with soffit vents. For best esthetic results these should be installed along the full length of your roof ridge.
These are commonly installed vents, as part of residential roofs, on the gables at both ends of your home and work most effectively with soffit vents.
As you can see there are a number of options available to ensure your home ventilation is effective. While all the aforementioned solutions are great options, the best option for your home will be dependent on many factors such as: your home type; area; roof structure; budget; local weather patterns; etc. Consult a reputable roofing services company to ensure you are getting the best solution based on your specific needs.